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Hasil gambar untuk cara mengatasi anak yang mogok makan

1. Children Are Growing Teeth
Tips to overcome the child's hunger strike that will be discussed first is the child's hunger strike due to teething. When your baby is teething, the state of the mouth that he feels will be very uncomfortable, so many young children who choose not to eat. This can happen because when the food gets into the mouth, the teeth will protest, so it will hurt. Well, if the mother did know that because children do not want to eat because of teething, then the Mother can prepare a soft textured food menu and more dilute. Mother can also provide a cold food, with the aim to reduce the sense of pain in the teeth.

2.2. Child Bored With Food

Food Innovation For Children hunger strike
Food Innovation For Children hunger strike
There are times when children are tired of the food, even if it is a favorite food. Mother must know, that the child does have a very sensitive and unexpected taste. Could have suddenly asked for this, ask for it. To get around to keeping the child in a routine and passion for eating, Mother can create different food variations. It could be Mother's little innovate to change the look of food even though from the same basic ingredients. Children love the funny food shapes. Mother can make tofu or printed rolade with different types of shapes. Children usually like a tasty and sweet food, so the mother can make a variety of foods that taste tasty or sweet. For example, Mother can give pudding as a distraction. Thus, children still get energy intake even if only from the food interlude.

3. Child Protest With Eating Time

Although the little one is not familiar with the clock, but the role here is the child's instinct about the time he felt. Mother when feeding do not at a distance that is too close. Set a child's eating schedule for daily life, so the child will be willing and obedient to his meal schedule. Mother must also try to recognize the child's sleep time, do not let the mother to feed at mepet time with child's sleep. Because the child will be lazy to eat while he was feeling sleepy. Mother can replace the meal with just a glass of milk and allow the child to sleep immediately. When the child wakes up, the new mother can feed the baby.

4. Child Trauma With Food

Child Forced to Eat Caused A Hunger Strike
Child Forced to Eat Caused A Hunger Strike
Unconsciously, maybe Mother also had to force children to eat. Sometimes also until the child shouted to want to eat or soon to eat. Well Mother, know the child actually yelled instead of afraid, but sometimes even can make children become traumatized to eat. Children feel uncomfortable, so choose not to eat so as not dbentak by Mother.

5. Child is sick

Sick Children, Hunger Strike
Sick Children, Hunger Strike
Well, naturally and most people already know, that when sick, the appetite will decrease. In children can go on hunger strike, because they feel all the food tastes bitter and not delicious. In addition, the child will also become lazy to eat. But Mother can still take the gap to keep children want to eat. That is to make the little food that soft, like porridge, chicken or cereal soup easily swallowed. Better ask the child first, what will he eat? So that when you make food is not in vain, just because the child does not want to.

Well, when your baby wants to eat, Mother also do not forget to give appreciation and motivation. Children are very fond of praise, they will feel great and addicted to doing things that are rewarded. Maybe Bunda underestimated, just spent the food alone should be given appreciation, it's a common thing. Mother do not think like that, praise is very valuable for small children. They will feel proud of his achievements, so the child will continue to be diligent to eat. Automatically Mother will also get the benefits, the child is no longer experiencing a hunger strike. Vary a child hunger solution? Mother just stay fit, which is being experienced by your child. May be useful.


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