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            Once upon a time a very poor farmer lived in a tuny cottage in the forest with her three children, Hansel, Hazel, and Gretel. Her secon husband often ill-treatedthe children and was forever nagging the woodcutter.

Mother                        : “There is not enough food in the house for us all there are too many mounths to
Step Father        : “Take them miles from home, so far that they can never find their way back!
                                           Maybe someone will find them and give them a home.”
                                                                 *Hans & Hazel sneaking*
Hansel                          : “Don’t worry! If they do leave us in the forest, we’ll find the way home
Hazel                : “Gretel!! Come here!
                            Put this pebbles in your pockets!”
Gretel               : “Why?”
Hansel & Hazel            : “We’ll tell you leter! Hurry!”
Hansel               : *Whisper* you guys ready?”
Hazel & Gretel     : “Yep!”
                                        *Mother lead Hanzel, Hazel, and Gretel to the forest*
                                                   *Gretel drop the pebble here and there*
Mother             : “Kids, now stay here. Wait for me to take you out of here ok? *run*
*Hansel, Hazel, Gretel stay*
Gretel                :  “ Hans, Haz, I’m scared..........”
Hazel                             : *hug Gretel*  “ Don’t  cry, trust me ! swear  l’ll take you home even if........”
Hansel                           : “Father doesn’t come back for us ! Now give me your hand!”
Hazel                 : “We’ll  get home safely, you’ll see!”

            As they walk through the trees, Hansel take the pebbles but they forgot about the hungry birds that lived in the forest when they saw it, they flew along behind and in no time at all, had eaten all the pebbles.

Hazel                : “Ok, now l’m frightened.”
Gretel               : “ l’m cold and hungry and l want to go home!”
Hansel                          : “Don’t be afraid. l’m here to look after you!”

            Hansel  tried to encourage his sister, but he too shivered when he glimpsed frightening shadows and evil eyes around them in the darkness. All night the two children huddled together for warmth at the foot of a large tree. When dawn broke, they started to wander about the forest, seeking a  path, but all hope soon faded. They were well and truly lost. On they walked and walked, till suddenly they came upon a strange cottage in the middle of a glade.

Hansel                          : “Look over there! It’s a house”
Gretel               : “ Crunch crunch *eat little pebbles on the ground*
Hazel                : “Gret! Stop eating that thing!, lt might be poison.”
Gretel               : “ No! It’s chocolate!”
Hansel             :  “ And this is icing”
Hazel                            :  “ Umm...Hans.....Gret.... you sure ?”
Hansel & Gretel  : “ Of course!”
Hansel                           : “ We stay here!”

*witch appear from the door*

Witch                           : “ You’re nothing but skin and bones!
Ok, here’s the deal kids. You can do the housework, then l’ll make a meal of you three!”
Hansel, Hazel, Gretel  : “Ok!”

            For a few days they live with the witch and do the housework while the witch make their meals

Witch                            :  “Let me feel your finger!,  you’re still much too thin!, I’m tired of waiting !
Hey girls ! light the oven please! We’re going to have a tasty roadsted boy today”
Hazel                            :  “Sure”        
Witch                            : “ Run and see if the oven is hot enough”
Gretel                            : “ l can’t tell if it is hot enough or not.”
Witch                            :  *Scream* useless child!!! All right, l’ll see for myself”

*bent down to peer inside the oven and check the heat*
*Gretel  push the Witch and slam the oven door shut*
*Hazel  run to set their brother free*
* Hansel, Hazel, Gretel  fastened the oven firmly with a large padlock*

Gretel                           : “ Are we save now ?”
Hansel &Hazel                         : “ Yes, we are save!”
Gretel                          : “ Horay”

                        *Hansel, Hazel and Gretel star dancing around*

Hazel                 :  “ Well we can stay a while to eat some more of the house”
Hansel             : “ Yes, you are right! After that we can bring some of the food to our home for 
                             mom and dad”
Gretel                          : “ Guys, look at this sparkly thing!
                            It’s so pretty , can l keep em’?”
Hazel                 : “ What the?”
Hansel                          : “ This is diamond ! we are rich!! Horee.....”
Hazel                :  “ The witch is now burnt to a cinder”
Gretel               : “ So we’ll take this treasure with us ?”
Hansel                          :  “ Well, of course”

            Hansel lead them to find their way home and luckily they see their mother looking for them .

Mother            :  “ Your stepfather is dead. Come home with me now, my dear children !”
Gretel               :  “ Promise you’ll never ever desert us again “
Mother             :  “ l promise !”
Hazel                 : “ Look, Mom! We’re rich now.....”
Hansel                          :  “ You’ll never have to work for the farmer again.”
  And they all lived happily together ever after.




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